venerdì 23 settembre 2016

Evento: State Of The Union Dinner per il progetto "Thirst Project"

Ieri sera Charisma era presente alla cena dell'evento "State of the union dinner." Appena usciranno altre foto le posterò qui nel blog e sulla pagina Charisma Carpenter Italia.  Vi copio anche il testo che Charisma ha messo sul suo instagram riguardo l'evento e la beneficenza.

"Event: State Of The Union Dinner for @thirst project.
Here board members and donors attend a meeting about how funds raised are spent. Full disclosure. FYI, 100% of funds raised are tax deductible. Our board, along with sponsors cover all administration costs. So if you are looking for a water charity to donate to or affiliate yourself with, this is the one!
Safe, Clean drinking water is not a privilege, its a basic human right."

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